
My first attempt at blogging is a weight loss blog? Yes, I guess it must be. I intend to start the long difficult journey of going from fat and ill to fit and well. At least relatively so. I know I will never be completely healthy because I deal with a lot of health issues that cannot be resolved with diet and exercise. However, I have been disabled for 20 years and there have been times I felt much better than this. I have stomach issues and mobility issues that I think I can improve with diet. So... here goes. I know I will probably be the only one reading this but that is okay. It will help keep me on track. I started this morning by eating a zero carb breakfast. I have been pushing the water intake since then. I intend to be more diligent at taking my meds and staying away from candy and soda. I also have a fitbit that tracks my sleep. I have severe insomnia. So I am going to use the fitbit to track my steps too. I spend way too much time on the sofa. Since I have mobility